CARNET e-Schools
User: CARNET e-Schools
Year: 03.09.2018.
As a part of the pilot project for the development of digitally mature schools at CARNET e-School, Globaldizajn completed the application development for organising and monitoring - Education Management Application (EMA). The application serves as the central place for all users to apply for training organized within the project. Through the application, you can apply for vocational training courses organized by the Ministry of Science and Education, the Education and Training Agency (AZOO), the Vocational Education and Training Agency (ASOO), the AMPEU, NCVVO and CARNET. Also, all applicants from the primary and secondary school system can use the login information from the AAI@Edu.Hr system or can apply for the required training by using the registration data. The app allows users to sign in, check out the content, view records of education, certification, as well as receive notifications and reminders of reported training.
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